How we can help


We’re confident you won’t find a better price, but if you do, we’ll match it. *
Overview of price match process

Here's how it works

  • Hearing evaluation

    HearCANADA evaluates your hearing loss and recommends a personalized product with corresponding price.
  • Present your price quote

    If you have a price quote for the (same or comparable) prescription hearing aids from another provider that’s lower, present that offer to your HearCANADA Hearing Care Professional.
  • Reviewing quote

    HearCANADA reviews the quote and approves your price adjustment if it meets the eligibility criteria.
At HearCANADA, our focus is on changing lives through excellent hearing care. We strive to offer personalized hearing solutions at the most competitive pricing. We believe our pricing is among the lowest, but if you find a lower price from another Hearing Care Provider, we’ll be happy to match it.*
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Hearing Aid Offers
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Special offers

Try hearing aids for one week free. Learn about hearing aid offers available when you purchase your hearing aids at HearCANADA.
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Terms and Conditions

1) The price match guarantee can be applied on purchases of HearCANADA affiliated branded (Signia, Widex and Rexton) products of a comparable level of technology.  Only for prescription hearing aid devices.

2) To qualify, the client must present a quote or invoice from a HearCANADA competitor that includes product and pricing details, manufacturer and model of hearing aids, and the location where the quote was obtained. Quote must be provided at the time of purchase and may not be applied to any previous purchases.

3) We reserve the right to modify or end the Price Match Guarantee at any time.

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