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HearCANADA provides tinnitus testing and products designed to help manage your condition. If you require other tinnitus services like retraining therapy, contact us to find out which of our locations offers them.
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Get tinnitus services from our hearing clinics

Tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom arising from a range of underlying causes. It is one of the most common conditions that people experience - an estimated 37% of adult Canadians (9.2 million)  had experienced tinnitus in the past year.

When it comes to treating tinnitus there are a number of treatment options available. Once you have been tested and diagnosed, you can look into treating the condition. Often it can be managed with hearing aids or masking devices when hearing loss is involved. When hearing aids are not an option counselling, and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy could be the next step.

Tinnitus testing

At the appointment, the clinician will have a conversation with you about what you are experiencing with tinnitus. During this conversation, they will ask you certain questions based on common signs and symptoms. You will be asked about the noise you are hearing, triggers, when you hear it most often, and any pre-existing conditions or medications you are on.

There is no test specifically for tinnitus, but hearing tests can be performed that can help confirm a diagnosis.

Tinnitus management services

Each of our hearing clinics can offer different forms of tinnitus management options, the most common being hearing aids and masking devices. Our hearing care professionals will recommend a treatment for you based on the type of noise in your ear.
Tinnitus masking device

Drown it out

Tinnitus masking devices work to "drown out" the internal sounds of your tinnitus. They fit in the ear like a hearing aid and produce low-level sounds. There are also bedside maskers available to help alleviate tinnitus symptoms in the evening.
Masking device
Hearing aids for tinnitus

Two birds with one stone

For people who have both tinnitus and hearing loss, hearing aids can be an effective way to manage both conditions. The hearing aids amplify other sounds you want to hear, which draws attention away from the tinnitus.

Some hearing aids can be programmed to contrast the internal sound of tinnitus. These types of hearing aids work in two ways to help your condition:

Some hearing aids can be programmed to contrast the internal sound of tinnitus. These types of hearing aids work in two ways to help your condition:
  • Compensate for hearing loss

    Compensate for hearing loss so that you hear external sounds better.

  • Tinnitus management

    Provide a tinnitus management program in your hearing aid settings.
By combining the two technologies, people are able to benefit from both devices, without switching between them. This is great for anyone who leads a simple lifestyle as they don't have to juggle between the different devices.

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Tinnitus therapy apps

Tinnitus management on your smartphone

There are also special apps you can get on your smartphone that can help provide therapy for your tinnitus.

The WIDEX ZEN Therapy app is a comprehensive tinnitus management program. It consists of four components that can be tailored to your individual needs. That includes counseling features that help you change the negative interpretation of tinnitus. Amplification can be used to stimulate the ears and brain to reduce the contrast between the surrounding sounds and the tinnitus.

Other components include relaxation and fractal tones which are designed to provide a calming effect, and may also be used as a sound therapy tool.

The Zen Therapy app is available to download for free from the Apple Store and Google Play.

Tinnitus retraining therapy

TRT: Easing tinnitus with therapy

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (T RT) can help you grow accustomed to your tinnitus. This means you can reach a state of mind where there is no longer a negative emotional response.

TRT can include directive counselling, sound therapy and most importantly time. The therapy teaches you to ignore the tinnitus to the point that it no longer bothers you. This form of tinnitus treatment takes 12 to 24 months and is successful when performed by an experienced and certified therapist.

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Tinnitus counselling

Enhancing quality of life

Another option is tinnitus counselling with an experienced hearing health care professional. Those who have been trained in managing tinnitus can provide counselling to improve your chances of  success in regaining your quality of life. They will help you obtain extensive educational resources on tinnitus and learn more about your triggers.

It should be understood that not all tinnitus can be eliminated or reduced, no matter the cause. Sometimes it will go away on its own.

Medications for tinnitus

Targeting the source

If your tinnitus is caused by another illness or health condition, and not due to exposure to loud noise, some medications may help. However, no medications have been approved specifically for the treatment of tinnitus.

The way these medications work is by treating the underlying cause of the tinnitus. The more the symptoms of those conditions are reduced, the more the severity of your tinnitus is also reduced. It may be completely eliminated if your underlying condition is cured.

Tips for dealing with tinnitus

Tinnitus relief tips

  • Exercise

    Physical activity helps to reduce stress and distracts you from the noises in your ear.
  • Diet

    Watch what you eat because some food and beverages have been known to trigger or exacerbate tinnitus symptoms.
  • Listening to music

    At moderate levels will help take your mind off the ringing in your ears.
  • Ear protection

    Always wear hearing protection when you are exposed to noise or loud music.
  • Relaxation

    Reduce stress and find a calming technique that suits you, such as autogenic training, yoga, meditation, and so on.
  • Ambient noise

    Increasing background noise, such as white noise, can help you stop focusing on it instead of your tinnitus.
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Hearing services

Hearing care & hearing aid services

Book an appointment to get a hearing test, hearing aids, earplugs, and other hearing services. Find out how we can help you with your hearing health care needs.
Read more about the Hearing Services

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Causes of tinnitus

Tinnitus is not always a permanent issue, and treating the underlying causes can remove or at least reduce the symptoms. That's why it is important to understand the common causes of tinnitus.
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Types of tinnitus

If you think you have tinnitus, it is important to know what the type is. There are a few different kinds relating to the underlying cause, which affects how it can be treated. Read on to see our full guide on the different types of tinnitus.
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Tinnitus treatments and remedies

Tinnitus is a hearing disorder that may not seem like a major health issue, but it does have an impact on your life. Hearing the constant ringing in your ears can lead to things like fatigue, depression and anxiety. It can also cause issues with your sleep quality, concentration and memory.

Talk to a Hearing Care Professional in one of our centres.

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