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Stay connected to the world

Smartphones, TVs, tablets—we live in a smart world. So, why shouldn't your hearing aid be? It's time to get connected. We are happy to show you how.
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Benefits of Bluetooth enabled hearind aids

Bluetooth hearing aids

Integrated Bluetooth features mean convenience, flexibility and a hearing experience that's tailor-made to your needs and lifestyle. Depending on the device you choose, Bluetooth hearing aids can help you enjoy a number of powerful benefits, including:
Bluetooth hearing aids

Flexible, future-proof hearing

Pick up any modern device and it likely uses Bluetooth technology. Allowing two devices to "talk" through short-range, wireless communication, Bluetooth has revolutionized how we interact with our environment. With integrated Bluetooth technology, your hearing aid can pair with your phone, TV or other audio devices, keeping you connected with friends, family and the world around you.
  • Streamed phone calls and music

  • Personalized, remote control use

  • Stable, high-quality sound

  • Reduced background noise

  • Binaural sound experience

  • Health and fitness tracking

  • Language translation

Signia hearing aids logo
Seamless streaming with Signia

Signia hearing aids

A high-tech experience for any environment—Be Brilliant™ with Signia hearing aids. With a wide range of options, you'll find the perfect fit for your lifestyle.
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Widex hearing aids logo
Sound like no other

Widex hearing aids

With Widex hearing aids, it's all about you. Benefit from connective Bluetooth technology while still getting a hearing aid tailor-made to your style and needs.
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Rexton hearing aids logo
Rely on Rexton

Rexton hearing aids

With MotionCore technology and Bluetooth capabilities, you can trust your Rexton in any situation. Take control yourself or let the hearing aid do the work for you.

Bluetooth hearing aids: FAQ

All types of hearing aids such as BTE, ITE, ICC, RIC shown on the ear
Online hearing test

Hearing aid types

Are you looking for hearing aids? Hearing aids come in a variety of types and styles, which can be broken into two main categories. We will talk about each type of hearing aid as well as the advantages and disadvantages of them.
Types of hearing aids
Free online hearing test

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Conquer our hearing loss by getting the right hearing aids

Rechargeable hearing aids

Efficient, effective and environmentally friendly—what's not to love? Find out how rechargeable hearing aids can help recharge your routine and take your hearing experience to the next level.
Take the online hearing test at home to improve your hearing

Welcome to the digital world

Funny how complexity can make life so much easier. Developments in digital hearing aids have taken these little devices from nice to have to can't live without. Ready to experience it for yourself?
All types of hearing aids such as BTE, ITE, ICC, RIC shown on the ear

Hearing aid types

Are you looking for hearing aids? Hearing aids come in a variety of types and styles, which can be broken into two main categories. We will talk about each type of hearing aid as well as the advantages and disadvantages of them.

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