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Hearing loss treatments

When you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, there will be different treatment options that may help. Depending on the underlying cause of your hearing loss, some treatments will work better for you than others. That is why your doctor, hearing care provider or ENT specialist will outline the best available treatments for your needs.
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What hearing loss can be treated

Not all hearing loss is the same. Your hearing loss may only be temporary, or it can be permanent. It may be due to an injury or trauma to your ear, or it can be because of a deterioration of your inner ear hair cells and auditory nerves. In some rare cases, your hearing loss might not be able to be treated.

Depending on the type and severity of hearing loss you have, you will be recommended different treatments.

There are two groups for the types of treatment you can receive: hearing devices, and medical treatments.

Your hearing healthcare professional may recommend one or a mix of both.

Hearing Devices

Hearing devices to help treat hearing loss

There are two types of devices you can purchase that help with hearing loss: assistive listening devices and hearing aids. They are mostly meant for people who have sensorineural hearing loss, where your inner ear hair cells lose sensitivity to pick up sound.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices (ALDs) refer to various types of amplification equipment designed to improve the communication of individuals with hearing loss. They can enhance  access to speech signals when hearing aids are not sufficient. There are different devices made for specific situations. Here are some common types of ALDs:
audiology consultation product selection
  • Amplified phone

  • Amplified alarm clock

  • TV streamer

  • Alert systems (e.g., fire alarms)

Learn more about ALDs

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are highly specialized devices that fit in your ear. They not only receive sound, but also process it. The processing boosts the sound you want to hear, such as speech, and reduces background noise you don’t want to hear. They are made specially to fit your ear’s shape and programmed to help your specific type and severity of hearing loss.

With hearing aids, you need to have your hearing tested to properly determine the nature of your hearing loss. Your hearing aids are then set to your exact sensitivities. They can be adjusted over time as your hearing loss changes.

consultation with audiologist

Medical Treatments

The other kinds of treatment that may help with certain types of hearing loss are medical. They include medication, clinical procedures, and surgery to treat the underlying cause of your hearing loss. You will need to go through your doctor or a specialist to have any surgery. They will assess your situation, but they may not recommend a surgery if it does not seem like it would help.
Excessive earwax?

Earwax removal

Excessive earwax can build up in your ears faster than your body can naturally get rid of it. The earwax can build up so much, or dry out and become impacted, that it begins to affect your hearing.

You can go to your family doctor or local hearing clinic for earwax removal appointment, where you can get your ears cleaned and the earwax safely removed.
Damage or blockage in your ears?

Surgical procedures

There are some types of hearing loss that can only be treated by a surgical procedure. Many of the typical causes of conductive hearing loss involve damage or blockages in your ears.

In such cases, you may be able to have surgery performed to remove the blockages or open your ear canals so sound can travel to the inner ear.


It is common for things like ear infections and inflammation to cause temporary hearing loss. You may also have an underlying health condition that can cause hearing loss. In these cases, you can get special medication prescribed by your family doctor or an ENT specialist. These medications will either help treat the infection or the underlying condition causing hearing loss as a symptom.

Cochlear implants

A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device meant for  people with a significant hearing loss that cannot be treated with hearing aids. It helps with sensorineural hearing loss by bypassing the inner ear to directly stimulate your auditory nerve. Only specialized surgeons are able to implant the device behind the ear.

Cochlear implants are more rare as a treatment for hearing loss. It bypasses the normal hearing process, and it takes some adjusting to get used to how you experience sound from an implant.

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When you have hearing loss, it is important to have it treated as soon as possible. In some cases, treatment may not be possible, but for most people, there are a variety of treatment options. Your doctor or hearing care specialist will determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

This happens if you have lost your hearing due to something like medication side effects or an ear infection. In most cases, you can get special hearing devices like hearing aids. There is also always the chance that you will require a mix of these treatment options.

Granma showing young girl tablet hearing aids
Online hearing screening

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Do you suspect that you have hearing loss? Try our free online hearing screening.
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Hearing loss causes and risk factors

Some hearing loss can be prevented. This guide to the causes and risk factors of hearing loss will help you learn to identify potential issues so you can better protect your hearing.
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Hearing loss often comes in a slow and gradual decline. As a result, it can be difficult to notice the signs of hearing loss until years after it has already begun. There are long-term health risks for leaving hearing loss unaddressed. That is why it is important to know the common symptoms of hearing loss.
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Hearing loss types

Hearing loss is something that can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. There are different types of hearing loss that are characterized by the underlying cause. However, there are also different ways of categorizing it.

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